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Bounds Green is an area that was initially established as a known overnight stay for tourists or travelers. It is situated in London’s outlying districts before the tollgate at Turnpike Lane. At present, Bounds Green is a residential town located north of Wood Green.
Dan Gillespie Sells is The Feeling’s lead singer who grew up in Bounds Green. Some members of the band are still residents of this quaint suburb. Bounds Green N11 is mentioned in the “Has It Come To This” song of The Streets hip hop band. DJ Tottenham Sean lives here. English rock band UFO was formed in the area back in the 60s. Cylob of the Aphex Twin has recorded an album named Bounds Green.
Henry Cline, the President of the Royal College of Surgeons, lived in Bounds Green N11. He owned the Bounds Green House and the nearby farm. The Cline Road named after him is located north of the house.